Effects of Fast Fashion on the Environment - Suspire

Effects of Fast Fashion on the Environment

In today's fast-paced world, where trends come and go in the blink of an eye, fast fashion has taken centre stage in the fashion industry. With its promise of affordable and on-trend clothing available at your fingertips, it has transformed fashion consumption. However, behind the glamorous facade lies fast fashion's devastating impact on the environment.


What is fast fashion? Do we need fast fashion?

Fast fashion refers to the rapid production and distribution of inexpensive clothing items inspired by the latest fashion trends. It involves quick turnarounds, low-cost production, and high-volume sales. Fast fashion brands aim to provide affordable and trendy clothing options for consumers.

However, the need for fast fashion is subjective. While it has its advantages in terms of accessibility and affordability, fast fashion has severe environmental and social costs. 

How does fast fashion affect the environment?

The consequences of fast fashion are far-reaching. Rapid production and consumption cycles inherent to fast fashion have significant environmental and social impacts. The overconsumption and eventual disposal of cheaply made garments contribute to a culture of disposability. This leads to increased textile waste and the accumulation of non-biodegradable materials in landfills.


Additionally, the impact of fast fashion on the environment can be directly observed during large-scale garment production that involves the intensive use of resources like water, energy, and chemicals, which leads to pollution and resource depletion. Moreover, fast fashion keeps production costs low by engaging in unethical labour practices.


Suspire, a leading eCommerce marketplace for eco-friendly and sustainable brands, understands that fast fashion’s impact on the environment leads to degradation and resource depletion at a rate that is higher than its natural substitution. To counter this challenge, it has a large number of brands on its platform that offer a wide range of products, including footwear, clothing accessories, and skincare, all with a strong focus on sustainability, providing consumers with ethical and planet-friendly alternatives.


Can fast fashion be sustainable?

No, fast fashion cannot be sustainable and eco-friendly. The nature of fast fashion is in direct contradiction to the concept of sustainability.

However, some fast fashion brands have started taking steps towards sustainability by using organic or recycled materials, reducing water usage, and implementing fair labour practices. Nonetheless, true sustainability requires a shift in the fast fashion model itself, which prioritises quantity and profit margins over environmental and social considerations.


What is the difference between fast and slow fashion?

Fast fashion and slow fashion represent two contrasting approaches in the fashion industry.

Fast Fashion

Slow Fashion

Fast fashion focuses on quick and inexpensive production.

Slow fashion emphasises durable, high-quality garments produced through ethical and sustainable practices.

Fast fashion promotes excessive consumption.

Slow fashion encourages mindful consumption.

Fast fashion contributes to a culture of disposability and labour exploitation.

Slow fashion supports local artisans and prioritises timeless pieces that withstand trends.

Fast fashion uses large amounts of chemicals and toxins, causing environmental implications.

Slow fashion uses organic and eco-friendly safe materials.


How do we incorporate sustainability into fast fashion?

Incorporating sustainability into the fast fashion industry requires a multifaceted approach that involves changes at various stages of the fashion supply chain. However, there are a few steps that individuals can take to promote sustainability within this framework.

  1. Reduce clothing consumption by choosing quality over quantity and investing in versatile and durable pieces.
  2. Support brands that prioritise sustainability and ethical practices.
  3. Engage in thrifting and upcycling to extend a garment’s lifespan and reduce waste.

 By implementing these strategies, individuals can positively change fast fashion's impact on the environment. They can also move towards a more sustainable and responsible approach to fashion consumption.


How do I identify eco-friendly products?

As conscious consumers, people make shopping choices that align with their environmental sustainability values. However, determining whether a product is genuinely eco-friendly is often challenging solely based on its appearance. But there are several indicators and tips on identifying eco-friendly products.



In conclusion, fast fashion presents a double-edged sword in the fashion industry. While it offers affordable and trendy clothing, its detrimental environmental impact cannot be overlooked. Ultimately, a collective effort is required to address fast fashion's environmental challenges and pave the way for a more sustainable fashion industry.